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USPRE awarded in Bonanza, Costa Rica


Text by Lily Forado

The shows never stop, no matter if it’s in Spain, Latin America, Central America, or the United States. Recently, equestrian PRE lovers gathered at the Bonanza fair of Spanish Purebred Horse in Costa Rica. 

The place chosen for the event was the Barvak Hacienda, spectacular premises located five minutes from Barva de Heredia Park. The event was held March 16-19.

Once again, the Spanish horse was the sole protagonist. All the breeders came and gathered around the horses at the morphological show.

This year USPRE was recognized as a special guest.   USPRE attended the morphology competitions, met new breeders, and reconnected with old breeder friends as well as with ANCCE representatives.

The executive director of USPRE, Tanya Duffey attended and made new connections.  “We are honored and grateful for the recognition received in Costa Rica. This represents the support for the work of many people who are being recognized internationally. It is priceless.“

 “I enjoyed several morphology competitions and exhibitions including Tradición Costarricense.  The horse show was truly captivating. The quality of the horses, the skill of the riders, the variety of the events, and the professionalism of the organizers were all spectacular.
In addition to meeting several Costa Rican breeders, trainers, and riders, I also had the opportunity to meet some board members of the Asociación Costarricense de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española (ASOCPRE). I reunited with breeders and colleagues from Mexico, Nicaragua, Spain, Guatemala, and the United States.  It was a great privilege to be able to attend such a well-run event. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience!”

During the days of the show, the weather impact was strong with heavy rain, and the show was postponed on several occasions. Nevertheless, it was impressive how the show management improvised in a very effective way and assembled another provisional arena to continue with the competitions.

USPRE and ASOCPRE strengthened their relationship during USPRE WEEK and Bonanza. Our organizations look forward to collaborative participation in future events.