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Changes in Purebred Spanish Horse (PRE) Coat Color Names


Changes in Purebred Spanish Horse PRE Coat Color Names

A wide range of terms are used by labs, breeders and others to identify a horse’s coat color Until now, the genetic analysis that determined Purebred Spanish Horse PRE coat colors and the results that appear in the PRE Stud Book LG PRE ANCCE had always been performed by external laboratories, to then accept these names

Since the creation of our own PRE Molecular Genetics laboratory ANCCELAB in 2019, all of the corresponding techniques were fine-tuned Work proceeded to analyze the genes that intervene in PRE coat colors For the benefit of breeders, and greater understanding, the LG PRE ANCCE stud book office has changed certain coat color names; at the same time, these have been adapted to coincide with those used by most international laboratories

With this in mind, as of Wednesday, March 11th, 2020, the names used to describe certain coat colors will be as indicated in the table below:

Observations: - Likewise, the name of the wild type allele in the Pearl marker changes; it goes from “p” to “N” with the allele producing the dilution appearing as “Prl”

- In those horses with at least one G allele in its Grey marker, independently of the rest of the coat color markers, it will continue to be called GREY

- The low dash _ referring to the marker in the genotype indicates that any allele of that marker may be present For example: in the case of gene A: A_ the _ could be AA or Aa; __ could be either AA, Aa or aa and the same holds true for the rest of the genes The names used for all other genotypes remain the same:

These changes will appear on both the LG PRE ANCCE stud book web site and APP, as well as on all Equine ID documents issued as Wednesday, March 11, 2020 Equine Identification Document EID The new results from genetic coat color analysis carried out from now on will be indicated in the Equine Identification Document EID using the new coat color names In terms of the results for coat colors carried prior to the date indicated, those horses will maintain the previous names as already indicated on their EID LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book Web Site & APP Both the ANCCE web site and the LG PRE ANCCE Stud Book App will list the names as indicated below on all new analysis: - Perlino → Previously Pearl - Buckskin → Previously Perlino - Palomino Pearl → Previously Perlino - Smokey Pearl → Previously Perlino - Chestnut Double-Pearl → Previously Isabella - Bay Double-Pearl → Previously Isabella - Black Double-Pearl → Previously Isabella Coat color analysis performed prior to March 11, 2020 will appear as follows: - Perlino → Name used prior to March 11, 2020 - Isabella → Name used prior to March 11, 2020 - Perla → Currently Perlino