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Under the Baton of Francisco Gramajo: Washington DC Horse Expo ready to take off


Washington State Horse Expo is one of the top equine events in the Northwest that attracts thousands of horse enthusiasts from all over the western United States. Every year the Horse Expo features national experts, amazing first-class entertainment, premier breeders, and plenty of shopping, it’s the horse PRE enthusiast’s event of the year.

Today, Francisco Gramajo will give us a little glimpse of information about the Washington DC Expo 2023.

As the responsible party for the show management at Washington DC  Horse Expo, what can you tell us about the 2023 edition?
It is a great challenge to strive for improvement year after year. Since last year, this show has been officially endorsed by ANCCE, which brings greater responsibility. We must ensure compliance with all official regulations, requiring full coordination with our team. Year after year, we face various challenges and strive to do our best to achieve our goals.

How do you assess the presence of international breeders at the Washington DC Horse Expo?
Washington DC, being the capital of the United States, holds influence over the surrounding states of Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC itself, collectively known as the DMV. This area boasts a significant concentration of farms that are established each year. The Latino market for Spanish horses is growing, making it important for international breeders to have a presence to establish connections and sell horses. The market on the east coast of the United States is particularly interesting, as it remains relatively untapped, presenting opportunities for the Washington DC HORSE EXPO to showcase everything related to Spanish horses and serve as a perfect networking hub.

When was the first edition of the Washington DC Horse Expo?
The first edition, prior to ANCCE’s official endorsement, took place in 2018 and was well received, leading to its continuation.

What can you tell us about the evolution of PRE breeders in the United States?
There has been significant evolution, transitioning from conventional horses to those specifically bred for dressage. Breeders now seek important genetic bloodlines to enhance the breeding and quality of both dressage and morpho-functional competition stallions. Much of this knowledge has been gained from dressage breeders, which has contributed to the international success of United States breeders. Horses from the United States, particularly from Florida, California, and North Carolina, now participate in international shows.

What is the highlight of the program?
I believe the most captivating aspect of this competition is its versatility. While the morpho-functional competition takes the spotlight, we also showcase equestrian shows during intermissions featuring local breeders. Additionally, we host a dancing horse contest and welcome renowned figures in the field of Spanish horses on an international level. Furthermore, the 5th edition of the official magazine of the Washington DC HORSE EXPO will be launched, which is a rarity among similar events. It provides PRE enthusiasts with insightful information and highlights breeding farms from around the world. These elements contribute to a comprehensive and engaging experience for breeders and fans alike.